Vanquish Golf Works


set up and alignment swing aid

Create consistency in your game.

fits any player

fits any club

No tools required

Consistency starts with a consistent set up.

A-LINE has numbered references which make it easy to recreate the same set up each time.  Just remember your numbers and you’ll be swinging from the exact same spot every single time.

Who do you want to be?


Working consistently with A-LINE will help you find the center of the club face more often.  When you set up consistently, you’ll strike it more consistently and when you strike it more consistently, you’ll shoot lower scores!

How can A-LINE help your game?


straighter shots

less curve

more distance

A huge percentage of players don’t aim where they think they are aiming and when that happens, you can expect the unexpected.

A-LINE is a fool proof way to get your body and club aligned and aiming properly.  Once you know where you’re are, you’ll know where it’s going.

Distance from the ball

more consistent strikes

better posture

better balance

It’s very difficult to be consistent when the distance you are from the ball is constantly changing.  Your posture changes, face contact changes, and your balance changes too.  If your set up is inconsistent, so will be your ball flight.

To solve that, simply set up A-LINE and place the ball just outside the alignment stick.  A-LINE uses telescopic tubing

Stance Width

better ball striking and low point

better turn and rotation

more power

The width of your stance has a large influence on your ability to strike the ball and create power.

With A-LINE you can practice wide stances for more distance and power as well as narrow stances for better ball striking and rotation!

Ball position

trajectory control

better ball striking

more distance off the tee

Ball position has a huge influence on your ball striking, distance, trajectory, and curve.

With A-LINE you can dial in your ball position and take your consistency to whole new level.

Draw and Fade Club Path

predictable curve

recovery shots

more distance

Nothing is more frustrating than unpredictable curve.  Nothing is better for your game shaping it the same way every time.

With A-LINE you can set up a visual reference for your swing path to help train you on how to hit that consistent shot shape every time.

Putting Stroke Length

More rhythem

better distance control

better alignment

If you want to lower your scores, nothing works better and faster than improving your putting.  

With A-LINE, not only can you work on your set up, alignment, ball position, and distance from the ball but you can also work on your stroke length.  With a more consistent stroke comes better distance control and fewer 3 putts.

Check out the videos

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